Vita‘ english


Silvia Sauer is a singer, improviser and performer, fascinated by musically exploring the extent of expression and the facets of human voice. Since years her quest includes among others: jazz and worldmusic, live-performances of silent movies worldwide (by invitation of Goethe-Institutes), multimedia projects with dancers and musicians, collective free improvised music and SoundArt. She integrates this wide range of music genres in her personal artistic style of expression and improvisation, which is characterized as a free, undogmatic and playful bridging of boundaries.


Premiere of one-person play 'Nadelstiche' (own production) at the Gallus Theater Frankfurt
Premiere of solo performance 'Das Auge hört mit' (The Eye Listens) as part of Fluxus Sex Ties - 60 years of Fluxus , Kunsthaus Wiesbaden
Premiere of 'On' - audiovisual dance performance by PingPengPerformances as part of the opening program of, Wiesbaden
'Sudeln mit Lichtenberg', premiere audio-visual reading theater with Dietmar Bertram (narrator + puppeteer) and Silvia Sauer ( singer + voice performer / idea + concept / looper + audio-visuals), Theater in der Kurve Neustadt
'DrinnenDraussenDazwischen' (Inside-Outside-Between) Live SoundPiece with Looper at SONOHR Radio&Podcast Festival Bern (CH)
IF - Premiere from audiovisual dance performance at NOW!Festival Berlin as Duo PingPengPerformances with Birgit Wieger (dance/performance/objects)
USU Sauer | Schwarz | Schiffelholz - Trio For Improvised Music with Ulrike Schwarz (flute, sax) and Uli Schiffelholz (drums)
SWITCH - Premiere from audiovisual dance performance at NOW!Festival Berlin with Birgit Wieger (dance/performance/objects)
Kino VariétéKino Varieté is an initiative project of the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain on the occasion of its 10th anniversary in cooperation with the ZDF / ARTE film department, responsible for the film research.
ART OMI: music residency Ghent (State New York)
Zwitscherwerk with Sebastian Fuchs (voice) - Vocal Art
KunstAnimiert! Cooperation with Leonore Poth (animated film) and performances with Live-soundtrack (voice + looper)
Duo Sauer|Schliemann with Wolfgang Schliemann (drums) - Free Improvised Music
Duo Oberg|Sauer with Uwe Oberg (piano), Improvisation and 'Off-Songs'
die Qsinen (the Cousins) with Daniela Daub (Juggling/Clown) - Varieté-Crossover
Duo stimmig (since 2003) - with Jörg Mühlhaus (contrabass). Award Creole- Worldmusic in Hessen (Germany) - own compositions with elements of improvised music, jazz and worldmusic.
Solo-project stimmtheater (voicetheater) with loopstation
Singer and actress in french multimedia production 'Inside-Out', work-in-progress-performances in France and Iceland.
metropolis-projekt - 'musical re-staging' of silent films (Metropolis, Faust...), invitations of Goethe-Institutes with performances in Philippines, China, Japan, Korea, Israel, Mexico, USA (Philadelphia), Russia, ....
since 1990
Degree in Interior Design, Employee in Architectural Office (part-time)
Singer in Modern Jazz Bands and study of Interior Design